About keyof / typeof



An operator that converts data to a type as shown below

Generic data → Convert to a generic type

Object data → Convert to an object's type to the type of the object

Method → Converts to the type of the method

Class → Converts to the type of the class

Converts general data to a general type

Used as a type guard

const name = 'kim'

// typeof name returns a string
if (typeof name === 'string') {
  console.log('This is of type string');

Example of converting an object to a type

For example, convert 1 below to 2 (you can see it at once by looking at 2)

// 1
const obj = {
   red: 'apple',
   yellow: 'banana',

type Fruit = typeof obj;
// 2
/* /*
type Fruit = {
    red: string;
    yellow: string;

let obj2: Fruit = {
   red: 'pepper',
   yellow: 'orange',

Example of converting a method to a type

// 1
function fn(num: number, str: string): string {
   return num.toString();

} type Fn_Type = typeof fn;
// 2
/* type Fn_Type = (num: number, str: string) => string */

const ff: Fn_Type = (num: number, str: string): string => {
   return str;

Example of converting a class to a type

// 1
class Classes {
   constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {}

// 2
type Class_Type = Classes;
/* type Class_Type = { name: string, age, number } */

const cc: Class_Type = {
   name: 'Name',
   age: 20,


An operator that converts to a type as shown below

Object type → Object key value to Union type

Example of changing the type of an object to a Union of key values

type Type = {
   name: string;
   age: number;

} type Union = keyof Type;
// type Union = name | age

Example of keyof and typeof being used together

Example of changing an object's data → object's type → object's key value to a Union type

const obj = { red: 'apple', yellow: 'banana' } as const; // To construct a constant type, we make a type assertion.

// typeof is applied first to get { red: string, yellow: string }
// then keyof is applied, resulting in red | yellow
// So the type Color is red | yellow
type Color = keyof typeof obj; 

Example of how keyof is used in Generic

For example, here's a situation where the first argument is an object and the second argument is a key value of the first argument's object.language="text" class="toastui-editor-ww-code-block">

function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
    return obj[key];

let x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };

getProperty(x, "a"); // success
getProperty(x, "m"); // Error: Argument type 'm' does not correspond to 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd'



keyof와 typeof에대해 굉장히 잘 정리한 사이트

Mar 28, 2024 Views 78